Friday, November 23


Just a simple bucket with a slightly less simple rope handle.


Just a simple bowl.

Monday, November 12

I love lamp

Been working on this lamp tonight. If you have looked around at all of the pictures from inside HMS Victory then you would have seen this lamp everywhere. Anyway, the lamp didn't take all that long to model, but the lighting is a different matter. I have spent the majority of the night just playing with all of the lighting settings to get this to look right. Changing the advanced effects like the volume lighting and the lens effects to get the right look. I don't think its too far off at the moment. In these few pictures the light is in a fairly dark environment, but I don't think I will need to worry too much about this in the final animation as it all happened in daylight. So it's not like these lights will need to be lighting everything up inside the ship.
This is just the lamp thrown into a scene with my barrels. The lighting effects on this image were the original ones. The previous image is the result of a few more hours of tweaking. To be honest though, a lot of the time I didn't actually know what was doing what. The things that worked one moment decided to stop working another. Very confusing stuff.

I do realise that on the modelling front, things are going a little slowly. But at the same time I am also mapping things and playing about with lighting and animation. :)

P.s. I realise that the mapping of the walls in the background is pants, but I just slapped it on because I needed some walls. So don't be worried that the walls look crap. ;)

Sunday, November 11

Another good site for pictures
This site has a few good pictures of HMS victory and of Nelson. If you also follow the source links underneath the photo's then they will take you to sites that have even more useful photos.

Tuesday, November 6


Just a render of the chain shot hitting a mast. I didn't bother with trying to get the mast to break off or anything, that's a bit more complex. I just wanted to see how the chain shot reacted. Plus I'm not actually an animator. :D

Ok, blogger isn't letting my video show up, so here is a link to it:

Monday, November 5


One of the things that I had to model for this project were the sacks of gunpowder. After having a few attempts and realising that sacks are actually quite hard to model, I decided to do some more in-depth research on what was actually on board HMS Victory. As it turns out, the gunpowder was not actually stored in sacks at all. It was all stored in barrels, 784 to be precise. This is also backed up by many of the photos of the cannon deck not actually showing any sacks at all, only barrels. The only provisions on-board the HMS Victory stored in sacks were oats, beans, pulses and peas. All the water, beer, wine and vinegar was also stored in barrels.
So, no gunpowder sacks.


Cannonballs, that is. Just modelled a few. These are the 2 diferent textures that I used. The left is a steel texture from a cannon that I have made into a map that can be tiled. The right is a standard rust map. I think I prefer the one on the left. It's pretty easy to change maps though. So this isn't a problem.

Next up, I had a go at the 'angel' and 'chain shot' types. Here is the outcome:

Just noticed how the inside end of the rear part of the angel one on the left looks a bit naff where you can see the material being tiled. This rust material is much smaller than the iron one though, which is why it needed to be tiled a bit more to not look as stretched, but I think we will go with the iron one anyway.

Lastly, I had a play around in reactor, for the first time ever, to just see if I could make the chain shot. At first, the computer didn't want to process anything that I did, which got a little annoying. But eventually, it cooperated and I made a little video of the chain shot, showing how it stays together and reacts. ^_^

Sunday, November 4

Completed head (Finally)

I have finally finished my head. Well, as much of it as I am going to do anyway. The way that I have created the head has made some parts of this massively harder than they needed to be. Ideally, I would like to start the head again and make it differently to how I have made it now, Mainly by creating a less complicated mesh. But I don't want this head to be eating up any more of my time when I need to be working on the battle.

So this is the cylindrical map that I used to to apply to my face with an Unwrap UVW modifier. The lighting of the 2 different photo's is slightly different, so the blend didn't go as cleanly as I would have hoped.

This is the final render of my face with the Unwrap UVW modifier applied. As close as I can get it to look like myself.

And finally, some playing around with some hair. ^_^