Friday, October 26

Problems with version compatability

I have discovered that if I work on anything in the room we have on a friday on max 9, then I am unable to open this file at home on max 8. Even if the file is originally created in max8, then edited in the newer version.
I'm not sure if it is just a case of me missing something that would make this work with my version, so does anyone know a solution to this problem?

In the meantime, I think I will just, ahem, cough, 'aquire' max version 9. With money, of course. ;)


James Tickett said...

Sorry man, I've looked around and can't find a solution. If you get the time, or dont have v9 for a while, try going to 'Export' in max9 and saving it as a .3ds file, or try some others, and that might work. Its really weird that its not backwards compatible.

wedgie said...

I know yeah. I thought that would have been expected without even thinking about it. My 3d studio max 8 is jibbing out at the moment though too. So I think that getting version 9 is the only solution.

Tim said...

I'll give you a copy of v9 this week